Thursday, January 31, 2013

Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures

Photo of a middle-aged, distressed man with his head in his hand

Sometimes our deep, emotional issues can manifest in our bodies and create things that are negative like sickness and disease.  Have been having reoccurring seizures lately or witnessed a friend having seizures consistently?  When someone has a seizure, the first thing that people assume is that they have epilepsy.  However, some people who have seizures consistently could actually be undergoing psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.  Unlike epileptic seizures, these seizures have have no neurological origin.  Instead, they the result of deep psychological and emotional distress.  If someone is in a deep state of psychological distress, it can actually manifest in a psychogenic non-epileptic seizure.  Most people who have these seizures suffer from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, or other psychological disorders.  If you have had seizures and doctors have not been able to figure out what is wrong because it doesn't seem to be neurological, it is very possible that you are suffering from psychogenic non-epileptic seizures!  The best treatment for these seizures is psychiatric care and counseling.  In order to get healed from these diseases and illnesses, you have to talk through things in your past and get to the bottom of what you think or believe about yourself and those around you.  Don't put it off because it could be the greatest step of healing for you!

Tulsa life coach and counselor Candice Campbell is a genuine and reliable counselor who specializes in marriage counseling, grief counseling, Christian counseling, and relationship counseling.  Counseling is a great thing for anyone and can reveal hidden things that need to be dealt with!  Tulsa counselor Candice Campbell works to help couples, whether dating or married, identify key issues keeping them from experiencing a fulfilling relationship or marriage.  She also helps expose things in an individual's past that play into how the he or she currently thinks of others and his or herself.  When it comes to families, Tulsa life coach Candice Campbell also helps siblings or parents to discover ways of communication that need to be altered or dealt with.  If you are interested in premarital counseling, marriage counseling, Christian counseling, or relationship counseling, don't hesitate to call or visit Candice Campbell in Tulsa, Oklahoma today!

This blog post has been composed by Tulsa internet marketing company Quantus Creative.

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