With the new year comes new opportunities for personal growth.
The new year is nearly upon us and with that comes an opportunity to become a whole new person. Many individuals make New Years resolutions that they have trouble turning into more than just a list of wishful thinking. Whatever goals you wish to accomplish, there are a few simple tips to take these ideas from the realm of "wouldn't that be nice" to "I can accomplish this!"
1. Don't make New Year's resolution lists. Make New Years resolution game plans.
One of the reason why so many fail to keep the promises they made to themselves leading up to the new year is because there is far too much "what" and little to no "how." With each resolution you make, build in plan for how you're going to stick with it until it is completed.2. Remove tasks that you won't be able to put your heart into.
No matter how long your list of New Year's resolutions is, it is one document with each task building on the other task. Your list of resolutions is a brick wall with each task acting as a brick. If you have a couple tasks on your wall that you don't actually plan on succeeding at, remove them. When you fail at a task that was either not important or unattainable, that makes the rest of your resolution list that much more unstable. If you drop enough resolutions, you no longer have a list of items you want to accomplish but rather a couple ideas you had at the beginning of the year. For the resolutions that aren't as important or there's no way you can complete them, feel free to cut them lose.3. Keep up with your resolutions on a regular basis.
Going along with step 1, when you fail keep with your progress, you lose the momentum needed to succeed. By checking back in with yourself every week to check out your progress and make the necessary changes to keep everything from becoming derailed.4. Make benchmarks in your resolutions.
Making one giant resolution without steps towards getting there is fairly pointless. You can't lose 60 pounds over night and you can't become a better listener in 3 hours. In order to help you stay on track, determining when you want to be where in your resolution will help out how you get there. Pull out your calendar and figure out how much progress you want to make (and realistically think you can make) at certain points during the year.Some resolutions are not things you can do all by yourself. For those of you who know exactly where you want to be, but need help figuring out how to get there, licensed Tulsa life coach Candice Campbell can help you figure out a game plan for resolving conflicts in your life and becoming the person you want to be. As an experienced Tulsa counselor Candice Campbell can assist clients in pinpointing the source of frustration, conflict, and depression in order to help clients be emotionally set not only for 2013, but for life.